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Amelia Windsor

We are delighted to announce our new patron, Amelia Windsor.



Find out about our Gorilla Club, a fun new activity pack for lockdown learning.


Revolving Fund

Interest free loans allowing women to start their own businesses.



Discover our constant supporter Kellie Daniels and her company SALOME DESIGNS.

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Tilly Wood's Podcast

Chairman John was delighted to talk about Conservation, Community & Cameroon.

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Pencil Case Project

Empowers & promotes a future generation of conservation leaders with focus on girls.

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Newcastle University students collected over 120 pencil cases to send to Cameroon.

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Read all about how to get involved in our social media challenge in The Courier!

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Pencil Case Project

Watch the video and hear from the students to see how this project has helped them.

Njango was the only Cross River gorilla

Kew Rainforest Ball

How Rainforest Ball hosted by a retired headteacher could help save endangered gorillas.

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